In the course of researching the origins of our human culture and a universal human visual language, I came across early, recurring motifs, techniques and interpretations. The Höhle series is primarily inspired by the cave paintings, some 15,000 years old, found in the regions of Valltorta and Cantabria in what is Spain today. Depicted on these are mostly animals, such as deer, reindeer, horses and bulls, as well as numerous symbols that often represented the members of the tribes that left their mark. Despite being over ten thousand years of age, the paintings sometimes seem as if they were applied directly, as if they were created just a short time ago. In addition to the method of application with the brush, this is caused by the very lightfast and stable pigments, which came from the surroundings of the site and were usually ground from earth or plant charcoal. Saliva, resin, animal fat or blood served as binders. The paint was applied with fingers or brushes.
Andalusian red ochre was used for the works in the series. This red, dull luminous pigment was of high spiritual value in the Neolithic period and was used not only for rock painting but also for burial rites.
Only materials common in the Neolithic period were used, such as red ocher, saliva and painting tools made from worked sticks. This technique allows the pigment to shine as purely as it did 15,000 years ago.
The neutral gray ground of the canvas corresponds to the brightness of the cave wall of the site.

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